Top 3 Ways to Leave Proof of Santa's Visit

As parents few things are more satisfying that the un-contained excitement of a child on Christmas morning.  We love to watch the children as they look in amazement at the bounty of gifts that some magical and lovable elf left for them Christmas Eve night while the slept.  These years can be fleeting, as there are only a few years that your child may be a true BELIEVER.  
Making the story of Santa Claus as real as possible for your young 3-8 year old, can beyond just tip-toeing around during the night filling stockings, and piling the presents, all the while hoping that the kids don't hear you and wake up. We prepare by constantly reminding them that Santa can't come until they are asleep.  But there are a few more things that you can do to really help bring the magic and story of Santa Claus Alive.
Here's a short list of the three most popular ways parents help build upon the magic and mystery of Santa Claus by leaving proof of his mystical visit.
ooops santa left something
They can be a pair of costume wire rim glasses, either the round or square granny kind will do.  Drop them near the presents or leave them nearby our next piece of proof
Your child will already be surprised to find the half-eaten treat he left for Santa, but imagine his glasses being left with a thank you note fro Mr. Kringle himself. 
Dad Santa didnt wipe his feet
Santa's been zipping all around the world and has been on millions of snowy rooftops.  In his haste, he forgot to wipe his boots before dropping in and left snowy bootprints of his custom-made boots .  Use a stencil to leave bootprints by the door and fill with craft snow, magic science snow, or flour you already have in the house.  But be sure to test to make sure you can clean up the surface.
When your child find's evidence of Santa's visit, they'll be blown away!  As a parent you'll be satisfied that maybe you'll have another good year or two before
your child outgrows the story of Santa.  Most of all, you'll have the memories, photographs and videos of their excitement for a lifetime.