Santa's Favorite Cookies - A Recipe from Mrs. Claus
Santa gets all kinds of snacks on Christmas Eve. Here is one of his all-time favorites.

Santa is Happy with Any Snack, But Cookies are His All-time Favorite
Santa is happy no matter what type of treat he gets. Using all of that magic can be exhausting for the Jolly elf and his team. Luckily, Santa loves to share. Whether you leave carrots, vegan snacks, or fudge brownies, their is always a member of his team willing and ready to share the snacks.
Here is Mrs. Claus' favorite recipe for Santa's most traditional and most popular treat: The chocolate chip cookie.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Card from The Claus Kitchen

Simply cream together your butter, sugar and wet ingredients. Then add them to the rest of your dry ingredients to form your cookie dough.
Mrs. Claus' Secret to Softer Cookies
For softer cookies your can use brown sugar and even add in 2 teaspoons of cornstarch. But according to Mrs. Claus, the real secret to soft cookies is to cook them faster at 375, and to take them out as soon as the edges turn brown.
Don't Forget the Sleigh Team
Santa has a bigger landing party than many of us think. First there is the preparation and landing team, who makes sure the house is safe for landing, and that the kids are asleep. This team may also carry extra copies of Santa's sleigh license, wallet, hats, gloves, and repair kits in case he snags his suit coming down the chimney. Then their are the reindeer. They sure get hungry, and especially love it when you leave them oats and carrots.